Online Registration

Available Ticket Types

Would you like to add the following items to your order?
Beer / Glass of Wine / Single Drink Ticket $7.50

Beat the line at the event and pre-purchase your tickets for beer / a glass of wine / or single drinks. Your drink tickets will be provided to you at the front check-in.

Specialty Slush Drink / Double Drink Ticket $10.00

Beat the line at the event and pre-purchase your tickets for specialty drinks / doubles. Your drink tickets will be provided to you at the front check-in.

Bottle of Wine Drink Ticket $30.00

Beat the line at the event and pre-purchase your tickets for bottles of wine. Your drink tickets will be provided to you at the front check-in.

Non-Alcoholic Drink Ticket $2.50

1 drink ticket for juice/pop

2 drink tickets for mocktails / non alcoholic slushy drinks

Beat the line at the event and pre-purchase your tickets for non-alcoholic beverages. Your drink tickets will be provided to you at the front check-in.